Friday, January 12, 2007


Top 11 Paying and Most Searched Keywords on Google and Yahoo
By David Maillie

If you have a website, write articles, or want to profit through an affiliate program than this is gold to you! These keywords are the actual top 11 on the internet. Use them and you are on your way to increased traffic, profits and results. Here they are and a little about each to help you on your way.

1) Paris Hilton. Whether we like it or not Paris and her wild lifestyle are here to stay as she is now considered one of the biggest stars. She is sought after by almost every fashion designer and her keywords will do well with any fashion or clothing content.

2) Google. Well, this one is obvious as Google is the largest search engine (regardless what Yahoo says). Being that Google is a search engine it can be used in any content, but works best with relation to websites, search engines, computers and software.

3) Yahoo. The second largest search engine and distant second on Pay per Click campaigns - very, very distant at that. The same will work for Yahoo. Stick with computer related material and you will do well.

4) Ebay. The worlds largest marketplace and auction. Ebay, for the most part is a wholesale marketplace. It is ruled by feedback and can give you a good idea as to the real value of a car (check Ebay motors). On Ebay anything goes including people selling tattoo advertising on themselves. In other words, anything can be linked to Ebay in one way or another. Yes, there is even porn on Ebay. More...


Keywords Optimization
By Manish M Mathukiya

Directories help you rank by linking to your site. This works because most modern search engines calculate your page’s worth and ranking within their index based on links. Though links generally aren’t the only factor when trying to rank a site, they are a significant one. When submitting to directories its important to remember that search engines will analyze the anchor text, description, importance of the directory page, and age of the link.

Before you begin any campaign to rank within search engines you should do plenty of research on your keywords. Using various keyword suggestion tools will give you a good idea of the phrases that are commonly searched. Sometimes you’ll be quite surprised what comes up! Keep the top 5 or so keyword phrases in mind as you go read the rest of this article.

Search engines will be analyzing the anchor text, which is one of the reasons you’ll need a good knowledge of your best keyword phrases. When you submit to a search engine it’s important to rotate the anchor text so that you don’t have some hundreds of links with identical structures. That many links all pointing to one site is obvious spam to any search engine. Rotate between the top 3 search phrases for your specific domain. Every once and a while use the 4th or 5th place search phrases. This will make your gain in directory presence look to be more natural and therefore worth more to the search engines. More...


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